Fishing Pike in lake of Rome: 2025
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Fishing Pike in lake of Rome (2025)

  • Fishing Pike in lake of Rome

We offer boat fishing trips dedicated to fishing for pike, black bass, perch or asp. Accompanied by an AIGUPP (Italian Association of Professional Fishing Guides) certified professional fishing guide, who will let you discover all the secrets for catching these fish with the spinning and baitcasting technique. Fly Fishing for max 2 anglers

Fishing trips by boat to these lakes:
- Lake of Bracciano / Anguillara / Trevignano
- Salto lake
- Bolsena lake
- Lake of Turano
- Piediluco lake
- Lake Matese
At your disposal an aluminum boat with double electric / petrol engine, safety equipment and all the useful instruments for searching for the best spot and for searching for pike in the lakes mentioned above.

Our fishing guide, specialized in spinning and baitcasting pike fishing with artificial lures, will show you the best techniques, equipment and baits to better target this fantastic predator. You will learn to identify the right fishing area and the most productive techniques to undermine this predator.
The best baits, how to choose according to the season.
The best times.
The opercular grip, how to best treat the prey, always in the spirit of catch and release

We offer boat fishing sessions for 5/6 hours (half day) or all day for 10/12 hours.Every capture will be filmed, photographed and released.
These are the costs of each fishing session:
- A fisherman 5 hours of fishing: €150
- A fisherman 10/12 hours of fishing: €200
- Two fishermen 5 hours of fishing: €200
- Two fishermen 10/12 hours of fishing: €250

The fee includes:
Guide service, fuel, loan of lures, snacks and aperitifs on the boat, photos and videos of the catches.

Each fisherman must have a regular fishing license and regional catch card.For further info and/or reservations: 351 925 2652 (Also with WhatsApp).
If you don't know what to give to a fisherman... this pike fishing trip could be an idea (More ideas here>>). To this offer we can also add:

- overnight in bed and breakfast / hotel. We have solutions in bungalows even at 20 euros per night.
- lunch for dinner in characteristic restaurants close to the chosen fishing spot.

Book your outing at this number: 351 925 2652 (Also with WhatsApp). Deposit required: €50
All baits are provided free of charge by our fishing guide.

If you do not have adequate equipment for pike fishing, it is possible to hire it from our guide for €20 a day. With this guide you can also go out for Aspio fishing in particular on the Salto and Turano lakes, all the details here>>

Instead, if you are looking for a sea fishing adventure, we suggest you to see our charter on the 👉Roman coast, see here>>

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